How to be more productive (My morning routine)

I hate to admit this but my productivity level has greatly decreased the past few months. Somehow the day seems to go by without accomplishing things I need to get done.  I’ve decided to set a morning schedule to allow me to set a productive tone to my day. I honestly believe how you start the day sets the tone for the majority of your day. Here are a few things I’ve been incorporating into my morning routine as of late.

how to be productive in the morning

 1) Wake up early- I wake up 20 minutes early. Keep in mind, I’m still sleepy during this time. However, when my 20 minutes is up. I am alert, oriented and ready to start my day. As opposed to waking up, sleepy and getting ready for work. 

2) Refocus and Regroup- In my 20 minutes, I let my mind wander, refocus and think about  things I need to get done during the day.  This would be a good time to pray, meditate, exercise, or do whatever makes you feel centered. I am currently reading this devotional my friend gifted me last year. I use this time to check my blog, bank accounts, emails and social media accounts before I leave bed.

3) Visualize and Plan out your day- Now that I am awake and alert, I spend the next 20 minutes getting ready for work, thinking of things I need to get done through out the day to add to my “to do list”.

4) Eat Breakfast/Hydrate- I don’t always eat breakfast, but I always (at least for the past month) fill a tumbler with ice water and lemon to keep me hydrated in the office. 

 5) Work on bigger projects first- I’ve read various  articles on productivity and they all recommend completing the hardest tasks first, and I totally agree. Because my work can quickly accumulate, from completing assessments to treatment plans and writing case notes; it’s easy to fall behind on paperwork. I’m learning to be consistent on completing tasks I dread the most, that way I know I can knock out case notes in ten minutes or less.

 photo how to have a productive day_zpszfjyweq2.jpg, creating a morning routine

I realize my productivity isn’t going to increase/improve without some effort on my part.  With proper planning and consistency, a morning routine can improve a lack luster day into a more productive one.     Do you have a morning routine? Have you found morning routines to be helpful or do you tend to go with the flow?



  1. March 2, 2015 / 3:46 pm

    These are all great ideas Jewel! I am trying to wake up earlier now to get a few things done in morning before heading into the office. It jump starts my productivity for the day!

      March 2, 2015 / 5:46 pm

      Thanks, Rachel! Waking up 20 minutes earlier has really helped me get a good start to my day. Hoping to increase it to 40 minutes, then an hour. happy Monday!

  2. March 3, 2015 / 12:22 am

    Tackling the biggest task first is so difficult for me! I just want to run away from it. This post is a great reminder that I should just get down to business and do it anyway 🙂

      March 3, 2015 / 6:29 pm

      Thank you!

  3. AmarachiShirely
    March 3, 2015 / 10:54 am

    Great tips! I’m gonna incorporate a couple of them into my morning routine, might help me become more of a morning person which I’m currently not. ☺

      March 3, 2015 / 6:27 pm

      Thanks beebs!

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