Radio Silence

Hey there! If you’re a frequent visitor of my blog, you may have noticed some radio silence around here the past few weeks. I’d like to say that life has been so hectic, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. While things have calmed down significantly at work, I’ve been stuck in a rut. Simply put, I just haven’t felt GOOD. The whole “fake it til ya make it” attitude was one far too much than I could “fake”. I felt like my creative juices were on sabbatical and anything and everything I’ve worn, I just haven’t felt good in. I believe that looking good and feeling good must be mutually inclusive, No?  So how does one get out of a rut, I asked myself?  Personally, praying helps but that’s daily routine for me; so I decided to get out more. Spend more time with friends, chat with my mother more and put my gym membership to use. Working out and increasing positive peer interactions have certainly been most helpful.  Truth be told, I’ve missed blogging and perusing a few of my favorite blogs this week made me realize how much fun blogging can be. 

 Have you felt this way before? If so, how did you handle it? Hope you’ve all been well! 
Thank you so much for reading!


1 Comment

  1. May 10, 2013 / 3:34 am

    I also didn’t update my blog for some weeks. I just wasn’t inspired to. I wanted to take time out, to think through some things.. why I blog, what I like
    about it, what I want to blog about…etc.

    I think blog breaks are good. It helps you put things in perspective and re-energize.

    Praying does help. I also like to go for walks or jogging.

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